
THE QUR’AN Proposed as a condition of fulfilling Englis Language Lecture


The Qur’an is the final book sent by Allah, it is a great and noble book.  It was revealed in the Arabic language in a beautiful style. Its rhyme and rhythm aere biutiful. Tha Qur’an is a wonderful book of guidance. It gives us a good feeling to read it. Its massage is full of life. In other words, the Qur’an tells us how to behave at home, how to behave with our parents, brothers, sisters, friends, neighbours and strangers. It tells us how to behave towards other poepole. It is a book for all men and women in all parts of the world and for all times. It is the book of complete guidance, it is the true guidance for all mankind. Allah asked us to read the Qur’an, reads it daily, understed its meaning and tries to follow it in his life. We will be happy and successful if we obay Allah’s commands which are written in the Qur’an.


Al-Qur’an adalah kitab terakhir yang di kirimkan Allah, ini adalah kitab tertinggi dan mulia. Ini dalam bahasa arab dengan gaya yang indah. Sajak dan iramanya indah. Al-Qur’an adalah kitab bimbingan yang luar biasa, ini memberikan ketentraman jiwa dalam membacanya. Pesannya mencakup seluruh kehidupan. Dengan kata lain, Al-Qur’an mengajarkan pada kita bagaimana berakhlaq di dalam rumah, bagaimana berakhlaq dengan orang tua, saudara, saudari, teman, tetangga, dan orang yang tidak di kenal, Al-Qur’an mengajarkan pada kita  terhadap sesame manusia. Al-Qur’an adalah kitab untuk sesame manusia laki-laki dan perempuan dalam setiap bagian kehidupan dunia dan akhirat. Al-Qur’an adalah kitab pembimbing yang lengka, Al-Qur’an adalah pembimbing yang benar untuk semua manusia. Allah memerintahkan kita untuk membaca Al-Qur’an, membacanya setiap hari,memahami artinya dan mencoba menjalankan dalam kehidupan kita. Kita akan merasa bahagia dan sukses jika kita mematuhi perintah Allah sebagaimana yang tertulis dalam Al-Qur’an.


Rhythm           =          irama
Rhyme             =          sajak
To serve           =          mengabdi
Virtue              =          kebaikan, kebajikan
To give up       =          menghentikan
Habit               =          kebiasaan
To behave        =          tingkah laku
Stranger           =          orang asing, belum dikenal
Command       =          perintah
Noble              =          mulia, terhormat, bangsawan


1.      What is special about the Qur’an ? Qur’an is a great and noble book
2.      In what language was the Qur,an written ? It is written in Arabic language
3.      What is special about the language ? The language is in a beautiful style
4.      What is the main massage of the Qur,an ? It’s massage is full of  life
5.      Do we have to worship God ? Why ? Yes, we do. Because we are Allah’s creators
6.      Is it necessary for us to behave well and to stop bad habits? Why ? Yes, it is. Because that is how to be a good human being in human’s and Allah’s sigh
7.      Is the relationship between human beings prescribed in the Qur’an ? Yes, it is
8.      What must be done by muslims with the Qur’an ? Muslim must believe in the Qur’an
9.      Is the Qur’an only for certain nation and a certain period of time? No, it isn’t, it is a book for all men and woman in all parts of the world an for all times
10.  What will we receive if we follow what Allah sain in the Qur’an? We will be happy and succesful


Fill in blank with the words taken from the text above

11. The Qur’an is …the final... book so we have to respect and put it in its proper place.
12. We need …guidance… from God so God sent the Qur’an to …guide… our life.
13. The Qur’an is written in …Arabic language… so we have to learn this language in order to understand it.
14. As true …guidance... we have to follow what Allah has said in the Qur’an.
15. The Qur’an was sent to all of us in order that we can achieve a …success… life in this world and in the life hereafter.


1.      The specification of the Quran:
a.       The position with other books: …final books
b.      The function: …the book of guidance
c.       The language used: …arabic language
d.      The style of the language: …in a beautiful style..
2.      The message of the Qur’an
a.       The relationship with Allah: serving and worshiping God..
b.      The relationship with oneself: be good and give up bad habitats..
c.       The relationship with other: behave towards other people..
3.      The addressee of the Qur’an: …for all mankind… 
4.      The relationship between a muslim and the Qur’an:
a.       ...Believes in the Qur’an..
b.      ...Reeds it daily
c.       ...Under stand is meaning
d.      ..Tries to follow it in his life...
5.      The final goal of life and the procedure ti achieve it.
to be happy and successful it we obey Allah’s commands which are written in the Qur’an


syntactic Pattern
Syntactics or Syntax is the study of the structure of the sentence in English .
 There are several patterns and arrangement to form a sentence in English , namely :

1 . Subject + Verb

Verbs used in this pattern is the intransitive verb is a verb that has no object like a go , sleep , freeze , rise , boil , bark , etc. .

Example sentence :

    The dog barked. (Anjing itu menggonggong)
    Water is boiling. (Air sedang mendidih)
    My father sleeps. (Ayah saya tidur)
2 . Subject + Verb + Object

Verbs used in this pattern is a transitive verb , ie a verb that requires objects to the meaning of the sentence to be complete and understandable .
Example sentence :

    I eat a mango. (Saya makan sebuah mangga)
    She writes a letter. (Dia menulis sebuah surat)
    He called you. (Dia menelpon kamu)

3 . Subject + Verb + Complement

The verb is used padapola also called linking verbs such as be , Become , get , look , seem , taste , sound , etc. .

Complementary to the 3rd pattern can be a noun or adjective .

example :

    It is a book. (Ini sebuah buku)
    You look beautiful. (Kamu kelihatan cantik)
    She is rich. (Dia kaya)

4 . Subject + Verb + Specification

After verbs , we can also put the adverb

example :
    She will come tomorrow. (Dia akan datang besok)
    William is at my house. (William ada di rumah saya)
    My mother swims every Sundays. (Ibu saya berenang setiap hari Minggu)

5 . Subject + Verb + Object + Object

Sometimes in a sentence consisting of two objects . The first object is usually Indirect Object , Object while the second is a Direct Object .

example :
She told us a story. (Dia menceritakan kepada kami sebuah cerita), atau (Dia menceritakan sebuah cerita kepada kami)
My mother bought me a doll. (Ibu membelikan saya sebuah boneka) atau (Ibu membelikan sebuah boneka untuk saya)
She gives me a present. (Dia memberikan saya sebuah hadiah) atau (Dia memberikan sebuah hadiah kepada saya)

6 . Subject + Verb + Object + Complement

Complementary to the end of the sentence to be associated with the Object sentence .

example :
The song makes him famous.
(Lagu ini yang membuatnya jadi terkenal)
The extra job of the Boss keeps me very busy.
(Pekerjaan tambahan dari boss membuat saya jadi sangat sibuk)
The magician gives the audience a big surprise.
(Pesulap itu memberikan kejutan besar bagi penonton)

7 . Subject + Verb + Object + Adverbs

Any adverb is placed behind Objects Objects also have to deal with .

example :
Sheila parks her car in the garage.
(Sheila memparkirkan mobilnya di dalam garasi)
I put my wallet in my pocket.
(Saya menyimpan dompet saya di dalam saku saya)
Robert hides the knife in his jacket.
(Robert menyembunyikan pisau itu di dalam jaketnya)

8 . other patterns
There are also other patterns which we can not explain one by one , especially on the position of Adverbs that is often fickle .

example :
She has just phoned me.
(Dia baru saja menelpon saya)
Mary and I have already called the police.
(Saya dan Mary sudah menelpon polisi)
Subject + Verb + Adverb + Auxiliary Verb + Etc.

example :
She will probably invite you to her party.
(Dia mungkin akan mengundangmu ke pestanya)
I can sometimes beat him.
(Kadang-kadang saya bisa mengalahkannya)

Subject + verb + object + adverb of manner + place + time
1 . Ahmad bought the book in the movie theater last night
2 . Ali read the letter quickly intervening in his room before breakfast
3 . The Officials built a new school in this street last month
4 . The little girl ate a banana quietly in the kitchen this morning
5 . The children played chess seriously in their room last night

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